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PACKAGING STATISTICS | How is the market doing on Packaging

The numbers behind the boxes and tape

Millions of companies rely on the input and output of boxes on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.

The overall global packaging industry is worth $424 billion, growing at an annual rate of 3.5%. This is broken down to the following country market shares.

1. Europe – $127 billionscreen-shot-2016-12-01-at-2-29-40-pm
2. Asia – $114 billion
3. North America – $118 billion
4. Latin America – $30 billion
5. Other Countries – $30 billion

As far global market percentages this is distributed by the following.

1. Europe – 30%
2. North America – 28%
3. Latin America – 7%
4. Asia – 27%
5. Other Nations – 8%

The packaging industry accounts for the following shares of material.

1. Paper – 36%screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-2-29-06-pm
2. Metal – 17%
3. Plastic – 34%
4. Glass – 10%
5. Other – 3%

Industry Market Share of Packaging Products

1. Beverages – 18%
2. Food – 38%
3. Pharmaceutical Products – 5%
4. Cosmetic Products – 3%
5. Other Products – 36%

The market value of the above segments are listed below.

1. Food – $161 billion
2. Beverages – $76 billion
3. Pharmaceutical Packaging – $21 billion
4. Cosmetic Packaging – $13.3 billion
5. Other – $153 billion